Tasks create focus, practice and openness

To have tasks that the individual reflects on can create an increase in competence, inspiration, a refill, practice and reminders.
But above all, move learning to everyday practice.
When you choose to activate Tasks for an individual, he/she automatically receives the Tasks you have chosen - either one per week, one every other week, or according to any other interval.

All Tasks are connected to a reflection all individuals have to do. Immediately when a Task is completed, the individual's Followers get to see the reflection and can then support and give feedback.

More about Tasks

There is a large library of Tasks in Mebook.
But you can also create new, tailor-made Tasks for a particular individual, a certain development programme or any kind of organization.

Tasks can be managed in a large number of ways.
They can be handed out to each individual according to the individual's development goals.
They can also be used as part of a development programme or training to
1) Prepare a coming part of the programme.
2) Follow up or practise parts that have been parts of the programme.
3) Add material afterwards.
4) And above all: Move away from the practice scenario to everyday activies in order to implement learning.

An example of a Task in Mebook

Stress increases mortality- if you believe so...
Researcher Kelly McGonigal says that we can actually have an impact on the type of stress we are subjected to - whether it is harmful or not.
Her research shows that the physical stress reactions we get under stress, when our hearts beat faster, are seen as negative - our blood vessels contract and that affects us in a negative way.
But, the ones in the study who changed their image of the stress signals and instead said to themselves "Now my body prepares for this situation", felt that they got positive energy from the stress.
The studies showed that their blood vessels did not contract, but continued to transport oxygen to various parts of the body, including the brain.
This is a reaction that is reminiscent of when you are very happy or when you feel brave.

Your Task
Try her thoughts:
When you feel that your pulse is increasing and stress is approaching, try to stay aware of it and focus on the fact that your body wants to help you deal with the situation by delivering the oxygen you need. Did it work?

When you read the intro text - did it make you calm or did it create frustration inside? Why, do you think, did you react the way you did?

In this Ted Talk health psychologist and researcher Kelly McGonigal talks about how you can make stress your friend.

Tasks in Mebook library

It is easy to create Tasks and add text, images, PDF files or video links in Mebook. But there is already now a lot to choose from.
Get strong from your own happiness
The boss sets the agenda
You are good!
File the edges
Understand - or be understood
Enhance yourself
The pros of change
Walk backwards - from the goal
Do the only right thing
Are you doing what you're supposed to?
Make a hat journey
Make stress your friend
Meet up with yourself
Hindering convictions
What should a leader be like?
How do you express yourself?
Agreeing - and taking responsibility
Checking in
Clarify expectations
Don't offer the solution
Gardening the culture
Be inspired
Learn from an ordinary day
You're allowed to mimic!
Do you move?
The ABC of conversation
Smart meetings
As you wish...
Secure growth
Make smart goals
No one's safer
Avoid disappointments
Make a choice
What can you delegate?
What steals your energy?
What is your mission?
Why are you a leader?
Show personal care
Feedback feedback
Thinker or doer?
Open or private?