Mebook is the third piece of the puzzle

According to Stanford researcher BJ Fogg, three things are needed in order for behavioral change to take place:
And on-going "triggers" - insistence and reminders.

Duringleadership programmes and other forms of training, motivation and ability are often things that are created. But as time passes, so do these new behaviours - pushed aside by habits and routines already in place.

This is where Mebook comes into the picture.
By following up, supporting, reminding and measuring, the triggers that are neccessary in order to create development and make it long-term sustainable, are created - as a part of an every-day culture.

Mebook is digital and is in line with the analog work done by consultants, HR specialists, educators and others who contribute to energy change.

Here is a scientific article about the Fogg Behavior Model:
Fogg Behavior Model.pdf (548.04 K)

Ten reasons to use Mebook

It creates a high level of efficiency. A study at Malmö University shows that the goal completion was 38 per cent higher for those who used Mebook as a support system.
It creates a long-range view and sustainable effects from the efforts. Mebook supports new behaviour to become new habits, and to become part of the culture.
Mebook makes behavioral change possible to follow up and it makes sure that important issues are kept alive.
Mebook puts the responsibility on "the right lap". The individual needs to make a change if a change is to be made.
Mebook creates activity. You can't think change - you have to do it.
Mebook makes it easy to monitor the individual, coach and and put in the right type of support at the right time.
Mebook is tailor-made for each team, with suitable follow-ups and services.
Mebook contributes to measurability and openness in transformation processes.
Mebook moves the development effort from the conference room to the everyday worklife.
Mebook is a cloud-based service that works on all platforms - the web, your tablet or your phone, either as an online service or as an application.